Talk: Open Data, Data Science and Digital Innovation at City of Edmonton

Talk: Open Data, Data Science and Digital Innovation at City of Edmonton

When: 6:00-9:30 PM, Sep. 12, 2018 Wednesday

Speaker: Norman Mendoza, Ben Gready, Roman Eisne,
Jared Rewerts, Jeanna Somoza,
Smart City & Analytics Centre of Excellence,
City of Edmonton

City of Edmonton is a leading city on Open Data and Smart City. There are dedicated teams in the City focusing on open data, digital innovation, data science and disruptive technology.

Edmonton’s Open Data Strategy integrates the principles of the International Open Data Charter, outlines an action plan to realize the value of open data and provides metrics to evaluate performance. Through the application of this Open Data Strategy, Edmonton will continue to demonstrate international leadership in the practice of open government and will fulfill its role as a preeminent global city.

Data released by the City has the potential to be both impactful and beneficial, contributing to the livability of the city. Open data allows for direct visibility into how decisions are made, empowers citizens and enhances the relationship between citizens and public organizations.

Edmonton’s Open Data Portal provides public access to hundreds of datasets within their Open Data Catalog. Available in multiple formats, they can be downloaded for free.

City of Edmonton is also one of Canada’s Top Employers For Young People. In this event, leaders and a former summer student from the City of Edmonton introduced open data and the work related to data science, smart city and AI. There was an interactive panel discussion after the speeches.

Open Data at the City of Edmonton

(by Norman Mendoza, City of Edmonton)

Overview and Examples of Open Source
and IoT Projects at the City of Edmonton

(by Jared Rewerts, Software Engineer,
Jeanna Somoza, former Summer Student)

Data Science Projects at the City of Edmonton

(by Ben Gready & Roman Eisner, Data Scientists)

Panel Discussion

(by Norman, Ben, Roman, Jared, Jeanna, Lihang Ying, Frank Wang)

Organizers, Partners and Sponsors
